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Drug Rehab Hawaii
Drug addiction in Hawaii is a major issue that has steadily grown worse with the introduction of methamphetamine (ice); the ice epidemic on the island further increases the need for quality drug rehab options. There are various drug rehabilitation approaches that are available in Hawaii, but the process of choosing treatment for drug addiction can still be challenging. There are many Hawaii drug rehab options that are available for drug addiction, such as inpatient, outpatient, long term and short term treatment, and they may all appear to be similar, but that is not the case. Outpatient drug treatment for drug addiction is of a much shorter duration, but this low level of care may not be appropriate in cases involving long term substance abuse. Inpatient drug rehab is much more intense; the individual generally resides at the treatment facility for at least 90 days and has the around the clock support of staff that is experienced in the treatment of substance abuse.
The negative effects of drug addiction can be far reaching, and can sometimes alter the course of an individual's life, as in the case with the long term health issues that are related to substance abuse. A sense of urgency is necessary when a drug addiction is confirmed; it is at this point that a drug treatment plan should be securely put into place before the addict has a chance to change their mind, and minimize the effects of their substance abuse problem. Procrastination should have no place in a situation, when an individual's life and future may be at stake, which is always the case in regard to a drug addiction. A quality Hawaii drug rehab facility will help you to develop an immediate plan of action regarding treatment for drug addiction.
- Over 37% of people in the state of Hawaii that are over the age of 12 reported that using marijuana at least once a month is a "great risk".
- The most recent government statistics indicate that 24,000 Hawaii citizens have reported an illicit drug addiction in the last year.
- Results of a 2007 survey of Hawaii high school students indicated that nearly 30% reported experimenting with marijuana at least once.
- 6% of Hawaii 12th grader that were surveyed in 2007 reported using cocaine on at least one occasion.
- Just over 1% of Hawaii citizens between the ages of 12-17 have reported using cocaine on at least one occasion and many reported using the drug for recreational use.
- The organizations that are trafficking cocaine in the state of Hawaii smuggle the drug to the islands via local airports, postal and mail delivery services and inter-island shipping lanes.
- The latest intelligence in Hawaii indicates that there has been an increase in cocaine trafficking due to the current shortage of crystal meth in the state. Some meth dealers are reverting to cocaine distribution.
- The Honolulu International Airport continued to be the primary entry point for heroin that is being transported into Hawaii. The majority of heroin that is seized is carried by body from Los Angeles by Mexican drug organizations.
- Over 10% of adolescents between the ages of 12-17 have reported the use of an illicit drug in the past month according to the latest government statistics.
- The abuse of party drugs including ecstasy, GHB and LSD, is increasing among youth in the state of Hawaii.
- Hydrocodone is one of the most abused pharmaceutical drugs in Hawaii and the drug is known to be readily available in Honolulu
- According to the latest government statistics that have been reported from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 83,000 of Hawaii citizens over the age of 12 reported the past month use of an illicit drug.
- On the island of Maui, the distribution of cocaine is primarily controlled by Mexican drug organizations.
- Crystal methamphetamine, which is also known as ice, is the drug of choice in Hawaii and is considered to be the most significant drug threat; this state has the highest population of meth users in the nation.
- High purity meth, which ranges from 96-99 percent pure, is readily available, and is commonly abused in Hawaii.
- Law enforcement blames the high crime in Hawaii, which is predominantly related to the theft of property, on drugs.
- The use of ecstasy is on the rise among 20-30 year olds in Hawaii.
- The ecstasy that is available in Hawaii is not manufactured there, but is shipped from the mainland through various methods which include the parcel services or it is smuggled on incoming flights through the Hawaii International Airport.
- Ecstasy abuse is on the rise in Hawaii, especially among the military population. Local military officials view the use of the drug as a major threat to active duty military in Hawaii.
- The second most significant drug threat in Hawaii is marijuana due to the fact that the cannabis that is commonly cultivated there contains some of the highest levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in the nation.
- Hawaii is one of the national leaders in the production of high-grade cultivated cannabis.
- In Hawaii, small mail order operations exist and survive by shipping small quantities of marijuana through air parcel providers.
- Due to the moderate weather in Hawaii and the year-round nurturing climate, the outdoor cultivation of marijuana remains a year round business.
- Hydrocodone is one of the most abused pharmaceutical drugs in Hawaii, ranging from $3-$9 per tablet and is widely available.
When a person is in the midst of a drug addiction, they need the firm support of professionals at a Hawaii drug rehab center to help them to get reach the ultimate goal of becoming sober. Take the firs step and contact a Hawaii drug rehab facility to speak to a counselor who understands what you are going through and can help you to solve this problem.
Treatment Centers by City
Select a City:
- Honolulu
- Waipahu
- Kaneohe
- Kailua
- Mililani
- Ewa Beach
- Hilo
- Waianae
- Wahiawa
- Aiea
- Pearl City
- Kailua Kona
- Kapolei
- Wailuku
- Kahului
- Kapaa
- Makawao
- Lihue
- Keaau
- Pahoa
- Kamuela
- Waialua
- Waikoloa
- Kaunakakai
- Honokaa
- Mountain View
- Lanai City
- Kapaau
- Volcano
- Kahuku
- Kealakekua
- Waimea
- Naalehu
- Hana
- Papaikou
- Pahala
- Paauilo
- Laupahoehoe
- Schofield Barracks
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Hawaii Drug Information and Drug Trafficking
Not surprisingly, all of the illegal drugs that are available on the mainland can also be found in the islands, with crystal methamphetamine (ice), marijuana, cocaine HCl, crack cocaine, heroin, and predatory drugs being the leading threats in the state. As part of the Los Angeles Field Division, the Honolulu District Office (HDO) is located 2,500 miles from the continental United States. The HDO has an Area of Responsibility (AOR) that encompasses the State of Hawaii, the islands of Guam, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and American Samoa.
The majority of drugs are brought into Hawaii by aircraft passengers or through the use of shipping companies and the U.S. postal service. Hawaii has several airports and airfields on six of the eight islands. The largest of the airports is the Honolulu International Airport on Oahu. In any given year, there are more than seven million visitors to the Islands. The majority of the incoming flights originate from the U.S. mainland, Canada, and Asia.
Hawaii's third most significant drug threat is cocaine. Prices for the drug indicate that sufficient quantities of cocaine and crack cocaine are available to meet user demand. The distribution and abuse of powdered and crack cocaine are associated with criminal activities such as homicides, assaults, and child abuse/neglect cases.
Pacific Islander, Mexican, and local organizations are the primary drug traffickers of powdered cocaine into the state while Pacific Islanders and local organizations convert the powder cocaine into crack and distribute the cocaine at the retail level along with street gangs. A variety of drug organizations engage in wholesale and retail cocaine distribution in Hawaii. It is believed that Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) with ties to California and Mexico primarily distribute cocaine at the wholesale level. Independent dealers and street gangs distribute cocaine at the retail level.
In Hawaii, cocaine is commonly abused with other drugs including alcohol, heroin and/or marijuana. Cocaine is also often distributed/sold with other drugs and easily acquired on the Big Island by drug users. On Maui, cocaine distribution is controlled primarily by Mexican organizations that also deal in black tar heroin on the west side. Cocaine HCl is rarely seen in Guam and Saipan. Crack cocaine is also readily available in Hawaii. Most crack is converted as needed, usually an ounce or two at a time, although occasionally pound quantities have been smuggled into Hawaii.
Crystal meth (ice) is the drug of choice in Hawaii and is considered by far the most significant drug threat. Per capita, Hawaii has the highest population of ice users in the nation. Experts unanimously blame the high crime rate (predominantly property crimes) in Hawaii on drugs. High purity ice, ranging from 96-99 percent pure, is readily available, and is commonly abused throughout the state. Ice abuse and associated violent crimes, such as domestic abuse, child neglect, hostage situations, and homicides continue to increase throughout the entire island state.
Pound quantities of ice arrive from the southwest regions of the U.S. smuggled by couriers, by parcel services, and U.S. Postal Service. Local addicts can purchase ice from a variety of sources, since ounce dealers are abundant throughout the state. Most of the meth laboratories that are seized in Hawaii are small 'conversion' laboratories, with analysis of glassware and chemicals revealing that most laboratories are capable of manufacturing ounce quantities. Ice continues to be smuggled into Guam from Hong Kong, Korea, the Philippines, and West Coast locations such as San Jose, CA; Seattle, WA; and Oregon.
Current drug trafficking intelligence indicates that most of the ice trafficking is still linked to Chinese traffickers sending multi-kilo quantity shipments from Hong Kong. However, the Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese traffickers are still heavily involved in smuggling various amounts of this drug into Guam. Guam and Saipan sit on the doorstep to Asia and are only a few short hours via air from such Asian cities as Manila, Taipei, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Seoul. With a multitude of ice production labs that are able to manufacture ice cheaply existing in the Philippines, the Peoples Republic of China, Korea and Taiwan, relatively large quantities of the drug can be transported to Guam and Saipan where it commands a much higher price and where a larger user population exists. The cost of ice in Guam/CNMI is approximately seven times the purchase price in the domestic U.S.
Abuse of predatory drugs, including MDMA, GHB, and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), is increasing among Hawaii's youth and the large military population stationed in Hawaii. These drugs are readily available and typically consumed among military personnel, teenagers, and young adults attracted to dance clubs, raves, and bars.
MDMA, or ecstasy, is an increasing problem on Guam and in the CNMI. Seizures and intelligence information have increased throughout the region. Based on the information available, ecstasy appears to be the fastest growing problem in the region. In Hawaii, teenagers and young adults (20-30 years old) are increasingly using ecstasy, which is readily available at raves, nightclubs, and some hotels.
Ecstasy is not manufactured in Hawaii, but is shipped from the mainland through the U.S. Postal Service, parcel services or smuggled on incoming flights through the Honolulu Airport. Ecstasy abuse is rising among the large military population in Hawaii. Local military officials view ecstasy use as the major drug use issue affecting active duty military in Hawaii. Predatory drugs pose the biggest problem for the military population.
Hawaii is home to more than 78,000 military personnel and their dependents' located on five major military bases and facilities, with most located on Oahu. Military law enforcement personnel are seeing predatory drugs as the drug of choice since it is popular among the younger military personnel, in part because of the speed at which these drugs leave their systems. On the Big Island, raves and nightclubs are a source for MDMA; however the rave scene is not abundant.
Similar to the methamphetamine trade, Asian syndicates are primarily responsible for the trafficking of YHIA. Approximately 500 YHIA tablets were seized in Guam (2003) during an inspection of a military aircraft. The YHIA was destined for Hawaii from Thailand.
Hawaii's second most significant drug threat is marijuana. This drug is widely available and use continues to increase among Hawaii's juveniles. Hawaiian grown cannabis is commonly cultivated and contains some of the highest tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the nation. Although most of the marijuana available in Hawaii is produced locally, 'BC BUD' is increasingly smuggled into the Continental U.S., and subsequently Hawaii, from Canada.
Local and Pacific Islander DTOs are the primary wholesale and retail marijuana distributors. Hawaii remains a national leader in the production of high-grade cultivated marijuana. Home-grown marijuana, either harvested from indoor grows or from small garden to larger outdoor grows, remains a staple for the local demand and for export to the mainland.
Medical marijuana certificates allow local users to grow several plants at their residences for personal consumption. The availability of marijuana is common, and use is perceived by the local population as common. Small mail order marijuana operations from the Big Island to the mainland exist and survive by shipping small quantities through air parcel providers.
Marijuana is also being purchased in San Francisco and shipped to Maui via parcel service. Mexican marijuana and Canadian marijuana ('BC BUD') continue to be seized occasionally at the Honolulu International Airport. On the Big Island, marijuana cultivators are involved in poly-drug trafficking.
Marijuana is frequently encountered in public schools (grades 6-12) in Hawaii and is readily available in Guam and Saipan, where it is grown locally in clandestine areas and smuggled from Palau. Marijuana users are not as common as ice users in Guam. On Saipan, marijuana is sold on junior high and high school campuses.
The cultivation of marijuana is abundant on all five major islands; however, the vast majority of fields are located on the Island of Hawaii (Big Island/Hawaii County) and the Island of Maui. Cultivation occurs mostly outdoors in all agricultural environments from sea level to 8,000 feet elevations including forested areas, cane fields, former cane fields, mountains, pasture land, federal and state parks, and residential backyards.
Due to Hawaii's moderate weather and year-round nurturing climate, outdoor cultivation remains a year-round agri-business. Indoor cultivation is a growing concern and continues to be more prevalent than seizure statistics indicate. The demand for marijuana, the high prices it commands, and the relative ease in growing, either indoor or outdoor, are all strong incentives for marijuana cultivation in Hawaii. Recent medicinal marijuana legislation and a 2001 DEA decision authorizing further hemp studies give the Hawaiian cultivator the perception of leniency in marijuana enforcement.
In Hawaii, the most common sources for diversion of pharmaceutically controlled substances continue to be
- Doctor shoppers
- Employees who steal from the drug inventory
- Prescription fraud, including forgeries and other types of prescription falsification
- Physicians who indiscriminately prescribe and write prescriptions for reasons other than legitimate medical purposes
Hydrocodone is one of the most abused pharmaceutical drugs in Hawaii, ranging from $3-$9 per tab on the street. OxyContin's street price has risen 20% (80 mg/$18; 40 mg/$9; 20 mg/$4-5; 10 mg/$3) due to increased demand. Local pharmacies in Hilo report that individuals are purchasing the maximum limits for pseudoephedrine-based OTC drugs.
Wailuku, HI. 96793
Hilo, HI. 96720
Kaneohe, HI. 96744
Kamuela, HI. 96743
Kahuku, HI. 96731
Kealakekua, HI. 96750
Honolulu, HI. 96813
Papaikou, HI. 96781
Waianae, HI. 96792
Wahiawa, HI. 96786
Kailua Kona, HI. 96740
Kailua, HI. 96734
Waipahu, HI. 96797
Lihue, HI. 96766
Kapaa, HI. 96746
Kaunakakai, HI. 96748
Honokaa, HI. 96727
Ewa Beach, HI. 96706
Schofield Barracks, HI. 96857
Kahului, HI. 96732
Pearl City, HI. 96782
Lanai City, HI. 96763
Keaau, HI. 96749
Makawao, HI. 96768
Mililani, HI. 96789
Hana, HI. 96713
Naalehu, HI. 96772
Kapolei, HI. 96707